Tag Archives: Tourism

Conference: Turismo e alimentação, Chaves, 18.04.2012



Chaves (Portugal), 18 de Abril de 2012 (Quarta-feira)


O objetivo deste ciclo de conferências é refletir coletivamente sobre a relação entre turismo e alimentação, uma relação mutável que, na atualidade, tem convertido a comida em produto turístico consumido de diversas formas e com plurais significados.

Os alimentos servem, de uma forma prática, para satisfazer necessidades primárias, mas encontram-se, simultaneamente, associados a afetos e emoções nutridos pela gente e pelos espaços onde nos alimentamos. Para além disso, os alimentos são um elemento configurador das nossas memórias e identidades. Noutra perspetiva, os alimentos podem ser pensados como elementos de ligação entre o local e o global, entre o capitalismo dominante e as economias locais. A organização da comida expressa igualdades e desigualdades, semelhanças e diferenças culturais, entre grupos e subgrupos humanos. A comida não se reduz a uma simples atividade biológica ou de nutrição, podendo ser considerada também um campo de luta ideológica, entre indivíduos e grupos.

Hoje em dia, a alimentação é um elemento central na experiência turística; nalguns casos é algo periférico, mas noutros ela torna-se central, daí que falemos em turismo gastronómico e turismo alimentar. O turismo alimentar, nas suas mais variadas expressões (ex. enoturismo, caféturismo, restauração, rotas turísticas alimentares, etc.), é parte das experiências turísticas, como motivação e prática turística estruturante e estruturadora das memórias turísticas. O turismo gastronómico pode ser entendido como algo mais do que comida no prato:

A visita a produtores primários ou secundários de alimentos, participação em festivais gastronómicos e procura de restaurantes ou lugares específicos donde a degustação de alimentos e toda experiência inerente é a motivação principal para viajar” (Hall e Mitchell, 2001).

Com esta conferência queremos debater estas questões acima explicitadas, de forma a produzir um pensamento, num contexto de educação turística superior, que permita construir melhores formas de fazer turismo. Pretendemos também que esse pensamento tenha uma incidência, em primeiro lugar, na conexão com o espaço envolvente: Trás-os-Montes, Norte de Portugal, Galiza, Península Ibéria. É nossa intenção, ainda, aprender a pensar e a refletir o turismo, na sua relação com a alimentação, enquanto atividade humana complexa, mutável e dinâmica, admitindo que este “aprender a pensar” é uma atividade eminentemente prática, dinâmica e necessária para melhor construir o futuro.

Referência bibliográfica:

HALL, C. MICHAEL Y MITCHELL, RICHARD (2001): Wine and Food in Tourism. Brisbane: John Wiley & Sons.


Com base na comunicação de oradores académicos, empresários e agentes de desenvolvimento ligados ao campo do turismo alimentar, tencionamos organizar um debate estruturado em 4 linhas temáticas:

a) A importância dos produtos locais na sua relação ou não com o turismo.

b) A restauração como experiência de mediação turística.

c) A patrimonialização, a promoção e a valorização dos alimentos e a sua influência no consumo turístico.

d) A educação e formação de profissionais no campo do turismo alimentar.

Estas linhas temáticas serão abordadas em 4 mesas redondas, com comunicantes previamente convidados. Cada orador terá um tempo de uns 15-20 minutos, aproximadamente, para contar a sua experiência-reflexão sobre o tema, tendo posteriormente um debate com todos os assistentes.

As palestras serão gravadas audiovisualmente e nelas colaborarão os alunos da licenciatura em turismo do Pólo da UTAD em Chaves.


9:00: Abertura oficial

Representantes da UTAD

Representantes da Câmara Municipal de Chaves e outras instituições

9:30 – 11:00: 1º Tema: Produtos locais e turismo. Comer o local, o global ou o glocal?

1. Artur Cristóvão (CETRAD-UTAD)

2. Alexandre Rebelo (Minhorigem – Associação Agro-ecológica do Minho)

3. Emilio Louro (Secretario da Confraria de Pescadores de Lira – A Corunha)

Moderador: Xerardo Pereiro (UTAD)

11:00: Pausa para degustação de produtos locais e produtos ecológicos da região de Trás-os-Montes e da Galiza

11:30 – 13:00: 2º Tema: Restaurantes e experiências turísticas emocionais. Somos o que comemos, como comemos ou com quem comemos?

1. Rui Paula (Cozinheiro e gastrónomo)

2. Amílcar Salgado (Produtor de Vinho da Quinta de Arcossó – Vidago)

3. Carlos Fernandes (Instituto Politécnico de Viana – CETRAD)

Moderador: Varico Pereira (CEDTUR- ISMAI)

13:00 – 14:30: Pausa para almoço com produtos locais e produtos ecológicos

14:30 – 16:00: 3º Tema: Gastronomia, turismo e património cultural. “Gastronomia portuguesa: património da humanidade?”

1. Francisco Sampaio (Gastrónomo e Ex-presidente da Ex-Região de Turismo do Alto Minho)

2. Daniela Araújo (CETRAD)

3. Paulo Sá Machado (Gastrónomo)

Moderadora: Prof.a Dr.a Verónica Lapa (UTAD)

16:00 – 16:15: Pausa

16:15 – 18:00: 4º Tema: Alimentação, turismo e educação. Ensinar a comer – ensinar a viajar

1. Joxe Mari Aizega (Diretor do Basque Culinary Center – Universidade de Mondragón – País Basco – Euskadi).

2. Paulo Vaz (Escola de Hotelaria e Restauração do Douro – Lamego).

3. Patricia Cuevas (Diretora do Centro Superior de Hosteleria de Galicia -Santiago de Compostela)

Moderadora: Prof.a Dr.a Isabel Costa (UTAD)

 18:00: Encerramento e conclusões


  • Local de celebração das palestras: AUDITÓRIO DO PÓLO DA UTAD EM CHAVES (Outeiro Seco – Chaves)
  • Horário: Das 9:00 às 18:00 horas
  • Organização:

Xerardo Pereiro, Veronique Lapa, Varico Pereira e Isabel Costa (UTAD)

APAP e UTAD-Pólo de Chaves

Mais informação: www.utad.pt

Xerardo Pereiro (xperez@utad.pt)




Ressources: CIRET/Tourism research

Dear Colleague,
As you are involved in tourism  teaching and research you may be perhaps interested to have a free of charge access to the state of art content  analysis – 163,901 documents – of the international scientific literature on tourism,leisure,outdoor recreation and hospitality industry.
I encourage you to explore these resources and access them at your convenience – Ciret’s website http://www.ciret-tourism.com  – index thesaurus.
Please find herewith two attachments with informations concerning CIRET’s touristic scientific databases.
Many thanks in advance to forward these informations to your colleagues and correspondents involved in tourism,leisure,outdoor recreation and hospitality industry.
Yours sincerely.
Emeritus Member of the International Academy for the Study of Tourism
Centre International de Recherches et d’Etudes Touristiques
6 Avenue de Grassi,
13100 Aix-en-Provence

Workshop : Tourisme et archéologie au Maghreb

Tourisme et archéologie en Méditerranée

XIXe-XXe siècles

février 2012
Institut de recherche sur le Maghreb contemporain, Tunis
Journée d’étude

Org. : UMR 5136 (FRAMESPA, Université Toulouse Le Mirail), Institut de recherche sur le Maghreb contemporain (Tunis), École des hautes études hispaniques et ibériques (Casa de Velázquez, Madrid), Université de la Manouba (Tunis)



EHEHI-Casa de Velázquez

Université de Tours


Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres
En quête de l’Antiquité : naissance du tourisme archéologique

Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
Archéologie et tourisme au Maroc au XIXe siècle



Université Française d’Egypte
Tourisme et patrimoine en Égypte : Luxor, un haut lieu disputé

Université Toulouse Le Mirail
Des villes d’or à Cyrène : la perception des ruines chez Louis Bertrand

Université d’Alger
Diagnostic de l’archéologie algérienne après l’indépendance



Université de La Manouba, Tunis

Université de La Manouba, Tunis
La vulgarisation du savoir comme invitation au tourisme archéologique en Tunisie, au tournant du XXe siècle

Université de Tours
Amateurs, associations et sociétés savantes, actifs promoteurs du tourisme culturel en Tunisie, tournant XIXe-XXe siècles

Musée d’archéologie nationale, Saint-Germain en Laye
Querelles autour de la réutilisation du théâtre de Carthage pour des spectacles contemporains


Istituto Italiano per l’Africa e l’Oriente
Regards de femmes sur la ville de Didon : le Comité des Dames Amies de Carthage (1920-1924)

Université de La Manouba, Tunis
Les installations hydrauliques antiques et le tourisme en Tunisie coloniale. Jean Coignet, itinéraire d’un pionnier


Université Toulouse le Mirail

CFP Conference: TORINO JANVIER 2012

Second International Workshop
Reggia di Venaria (Turin, Italy) 24-25 January 2012
Submissions of the extended abstracts:
Deadline 1st of NOVEMBER 2011
Aim of this international workshop is to analyze the main economic issues related to the
international role and future challenges of UNESCO World Heritage.
Despite the great success in promoting cultures and ecosystems at the global level, UNESCO
nowadays is in a new phase of re-optimizing its consolidated strategies. World heritage sites are
increasingly recognized as hotspots for promoting local sustainable development and thereby
favoring world cultural and natural diversity. This arguably means that simple conservation and
preservation strategies should be complemented through new mechanisms where cultural capital
and natural resources expressed by World Heritage properties can be used as an asset for economic
and social development.
In a dynamic world, UNESCO is also facing the challenge of sustaining the evolution of historic cities
and the culture of new towns established under the future trends of urbanization pressure. Finally,
as the number of World Heritage sites is growing each year, the List is facing new challenges
regarding the governance of the World Heritage system and the ability to raise funds for the
preservation and promotion of such international public good.
To explore in more details these topics, the workshop will be divided into the following sections:

After forty years of operation of the 1972 UNESCO Convention, many forms of tangible cultural
heritage and natural ecosystems have been preserved. Today, there is a growing attention to the
issue of sustainable development, which means, first of all, resources for preserving sites for future
generations, for reducing inequalities between properties and for enhancing the quality of life, the
traditional cultural expressions of places and the intercultural dialogue.
For cultural properties special focus should be given to the production of new forms of cultural and
creative expressions from the communities involved in the World Heritage Properties. First, this
means to sustain material cultural production by enhancing the role of arts, crafts and traditional
knowledge. Secondly, sustainable development may be triggered through the production of new
cultural contents in the creative industries. Third, the aim is to produce culture by means of
heritage, monuments and natural resources in innovative and productive ways. Fourth issue is to
encourage sustainable tourism actions at World Heritage sites.
As far as natural properties are involved, sustainable development mostly refers to their valuation
and economic impact, that means assessing the ecosystem service values that are
created/enhanced by World Heritage protection and how are they reflected in the local economy.
Finally, what are the best indicators to measure sustainable development generated by the
interaction of UNESCO World Heritage sites, local cultures and the socioeconomic environment? Due
to the acknowledged limitations of traditional economic indicators, new measures are attracting
interests for their openness to political, ethical and cultural dimensions of societies. In the
evaluation of the economic and social outcomes of site management approaches based on network
analysis helping to describe local systems and their evolution are welcome.
One of the emerging issues in the new millennium is to understand the role and evolution of urban
contexts and historic cities. This fundamental target is not only a priority for UNESCO, but it is
shared by several agencies of the UN system and other international bodies such as the World
Bank, the European Investment Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank.
Actually, the rationale behind the development of historic cities and the conservation of cultural
urban landscape requires a better understanding of the benefits and costs of urban planning,
development and conservation strategies, namely from the analysis of anthropic pressure to that on
carrying capacity and congestion costs. As a result, analyses should address how to cope with the
emerging challenges for urban historic conservation: global population growth, the blast of domestic
and international tourism and the increasing pressure for land conversion inside and outside the
historic precincts. Another issue relates to the pressure of migration from rural to urban areas.
Many overpopulated countries are facing the alternative of planning the construction of new towns
or governing the expansion of the existent metropolitan areas. Both choices are full of challenges
concerning the role of culture and cultural identity of these new urban landscapes.
UNESCO protects cultural diversity since its early beginnings. In 2005, the Convention on the
Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions has been launched to support the
goal of cultural diversity. While protecting cultural diversity is an overarching issue, one of the main
challenges is to find reliable measures of cultural diversity and to understand if the current effort in
promoting diversity is strong enough. Is there room for increasing cultural diversity in the World
Heritage system or the ceiling has already been reached? What are relations between natural and
cultural diversity? For celebrating cultural diversity, researchers are invited to showcase culture in
an era of change.

The increasing success of 1972 UNESCO Convention requires an enhanced governance. How to
enforce conservation strategies? How to develop local strategies for reducing economic and
institutional unbalances among World Heritage Properties?
Therefore, there is the need to develop new governance instruments that make protected areas
contribute to local wellbeing while maintaining or enhancing World Heritage values of the site.
These policies should cover new options of fundraising, management, monitoring, planning and
producing culture. In particular, fundraising can be sustained by strategies based on microcontributions
from tourists and visitors to the World Heritage Properties.
More generally, we may inquire into the way the World Heritage List is constructed. Are there only
concerns for the outstanding universal value of properties inscribed or there are other political,
bureaucratic and institutional factors affecting the List composition?

Theoretical contributions as well as case studies are welcome. The workshop is open to
scholars, doctoral students and young researchers, from economics, sociology, law and
other related fields. A selection of the contributions could be published in a special issue
of a journal or in book.
The abstract of the proposed paper should be about 2000 words.
The deadline for extended abstract submission is the 1st of November 2011.
Some travel and accommodation funds are available. Acceptance will be notified by the
10th of November 2011.

Please submit the abstract and the application form to: centrostudi@css-ebla.it
For more information about the conference and further questions please visit




Chaves (Portugal), 25-27 de Junho de 2012
Webs: www.utad.pt/<http://www.utad.pt/> www.cetrad.info<http://www.cetrad.info/>
A 8ª edição do CITURDES tem como objectivo reflectir sobre o papel do turismo em contextos de pós-ruralidades ou neo-ruralidades, segundo as perspectivas teóricas adoptadas. Nestes novos contextos, os turistas encontram-se não apenas com os velhos residentes rurais, mas também com novos habitantes neorurais, recém-chegados, retornados ou outros que se deslocam ao rural na procura do que imaginam ser uma melhor qualidade de vida. Esta translocalidade, que questiona a falsa e simplista dicotomia rural/urbano, é especialmente relevante quando falamos de turismo rural e desenvolvimento sustentável, pois observa-se uma mistura complexa de agentes sociais que estão a reconstruir e resignificar os tradicionalmente chamados espaços rurais. É o que Jesús Oliva (2010) denomina como “new rural melting pots”, para o qual contribui decisivamente o turismo rural associado às ideologias da renaturalização e da patrimonialização cultural.

O Congresso tem como objectivo criar um espaço de encontro de académicos e investigadores, na sua maior parte ibero-americanos, e também de propiciar o contacto com a realidade rurbana do interior Norte de Portugal e da Galiza.

Poderão ser apresentadas comunicações, filmes e posters (ver www.utad.pt<http://www.utad.pt/>) até o 31 de Dezembro de 2011, enviando para: citurdeschaves@utad.pt<mailto:citurdeschaves@utad.pt>. Haverá conferencistas de destaque como Bernard Lane, Elisabeth Kastenholz, Ivo Elesbão, Artur Crosby e Marcelino de Souza. O Congresso terá lugar nas instalações do Pólo da UTAD em Chaves (ver http://www.esechaves.pt/ ) e oferece um programa social que permitirá conhecer alguns aspectos da ruralidade e rurbanidade deste canto do Noroeste Ibérico peninsular.

Temáticas gerais

1. Turismo rural e desenvolvimento local

2. TER e processos de reconfiguração e invenção das áreas rurais

3. TER e emprego

4. TER e impactos socioculturais

5. TER e políticas públicas

6. Agroturismo e turismo rural comunitário

7. TER e construção dos géneros

8. TER e TICs

9. TER, bioconstrução e energias renováveis

10. TER e alimentação

11. TER e interculturalidades

12. Animação e TER

13. TER e (trans)fronteiras

14. TER e sistemas de cooperação

15. TER, o audiovisual e a comunicação

Congress: “Las rentabilidades económicas y sociales de los patrimonios culturales y los museos”


VII Congreso Las rentabilidades económicas y sociales de los patrimonios culturales y los museos
“Kultur ondareen eta museoen errentagarritasun ekonomikoak eta sozialak”  VII. Kongresua
 VIIèmeCongrès « Rentabilités économiques et sociales des patrimoines culturels et des musées »

Filosofia eta Hezkuntza Zientziak Fakultateko Areto Nagusian
Facultad de Filosofía y Ciencias de la Educación. UPV/EHU

Donostia-San Sebastián (Gipuzkoa)

20 y 21 de octubre de 20112011ko Urriaren 20 eta 21ean 20 et 21 Octobre 2011  



Programa – Egitaraua – Programme Información – Informazioa – Information:

Museo Romano Oiasso / Oiasso Erromatar Museoa

c/ Eskoleta, 1 – 20302 Irun (Gipuzkoa)

943.63.93.53 / www.oiasso.com

Education: Tourism Management at World Heritage Sites Curricular Unit – MA Antropology


Tourism Management at World Heritage Sites

Curricular Unit – MA Antropology



Application deadline: 20 Sept 2011

Scope and Study Objectives

This applied anthropology module will provide current and future cultural policy stakeholders, heritage site managers and tourism practitioners the conceptual and practical tools for the sustainable management of tourism in world heritage sites. Through lectures, seminars and field site visits, participants will be familiarized with the complexity of the heritage industry and the economic and sociological dimensions of tourism site development. Through the teaching of both applied and theoretical knowledge, participants will be empowered to critically evaluate the potentials and also the ambivalences of the world heritage programme and UNESCO’s other global policy agendas, i.e. the creation of peace in the minds of people, development through poverty alleviation, the Global Strategy for a balanced representation of the world’s diversity through the World Heritage list, immaterial culture. Besides its focus on sociological aspects and ethical aspirations of World Heritage, the module provides training in essential tourism site management tools.

Teaching Languages

The module will be taught in English. The extended essay that will constitute 75% of the final assessment can be written either in English or Portuguese. Additional languages may be accepted (e.g. French, German). Please talk to the module leader.

Learning Objectives

a)     Assess and apply techniques and tools for the sustainable management of tourism in World Heritage Sites (WHS) (these can of course also be applied to the management of any other heritage site);

b)     Critically analyze and synthesize academic literatures on tourism/heritage and discuss academic theory in relation to policy documents, data gathered through direct observation/interviews and secondary information (reports, statistics, etc.);

c)     Critically assess indicators of sustainable development and the potentials and limits of tourism to generate alternative livelihoods, promote cultural creativity, preserve heritage sites and facilitate intercultural dialogue or the promotion of cultures of peace;

d)     Mediate between global/national heritage policies, and context-specific national/regional/local development objectives.

When, Where?

The module is taught over a period of 16 weeks. The teaching will start in the week beginning on 26 Sept 2011 and end on 28 Jan 2012. It will take place on Saturdays between 10h and 13h at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities campus of New University of Lisbon (Avenida de Berna 26C, 1069-061 Lisbon, Portugal). Please enquire about the exact room.

Module Content

Topics and issues addressed in this module include:

  • UNESCO’s ethics for a global world
  • Opportunities and ambivalences of world heritage
  • Tourism culture and heritage
  • Elements of the world heritage management plan
  • Attraction and visitor development
  • Heritage marketing
  • UNESCO’s intangible culture programme
  • Community involvement
  • Peace and intercultural dialogue through tourism

Country Specific Excursions / Study Tours

The module includes three country specific study tours to World Heritage or other relevant sites in Portugal:

  • Monastery of the Hieronymites and Tower of Belém in Lisbon
  • The cultural landscape of Sintra
  • The Fado Museum in Lisbon

Teaching, Learning and Assessment

The module will be taught through a combination of lectures (50%), student-led seminars (25%) and field visit-based practical work engaging major stakeholder of heritage sites/heritage policy makers in Portugal (25%). Successful candidates will obtain 10 European Transfer Credits (ECT) which in Portugal corresponds to 280 student learning hours.


Students will write an extended essay of 4000 words (+/- 10%; in either English or Portuguese) on a topic to be agreed with the course leader. This shall involve both the review of topical academic literatures and the gathering of data either primary (through interviews, direct observation, surveys) or secondary information (analysis of reports, policies, tourist markets, etc.). In addition, each student will prepare and lead a seminar on a topic to be agreed in the beginning of the course. This shall be accompanied by a 2 page communication strategy paper outlining the seminar’s objectives and how these are to be achieved. The assessment of this is based on the quality of the presentation and a document outlining the content of the topic and the strategy to communicate it to the class. The mark for the dissertation will count for 75%, the student-led seminar for 25% of the final grade.


The module will use the e-learning facilities of the faculty to distribute information and as an interface for students to submit work. Participants will be required to regularly log into their accounts.

External Candidates

The module can be elected by students registered at New University of Lisbon. It addresses as well external candidates with an interest in the topic, in particular current heritage and cultural site managers who wish to deepen their theoretical and technical knowledge about tourism and the normative frameworks of UNESCO’s World Heritage and other cultural policy programmes. To apply, external candidates are invited to fill in a form that is to be requested at antrop@fcsh.unl.pt, and send this back to the faculty’s registry (accompanied by a one page letter and a curriculum vitae of no more than 5 pages outlining the candidates experiences, motivations and professional aspirations). The form should reach the faculty registry before the beginning of the semester, by 20 September 2011. The total cost for external candidates to participate in this module is €250. Successful external candidates will receive a University Certificate from New University of Lisbon and a certificate from UNESCO-UNITWIN.

Module Leader

Dr David Picard (Senior Research Fellow, CRIA/FCSH-UNL)

Email: piccccc@gmail.com

Why World Heritage Matters

Promoting a cosmopolitan ethics of world citizenship, UNESCO’s World Heritage programme currently represents one of the most powerful and also most successful normative actions in international cultural policy making. Initially motivated by concerns about the destruction of specific sites, the programme has today emancipated itself as a tool for development, nation building and the promotion of peace and intercultural dialogue. The sustainable management of tourism in world heritage sites plays here an important role. It has, on the one hand, the potential to generate the necessary economic resources to make the exploitation of sites viable. On the other hand, it generates a transnational public sphere enabling processes of intercultural contact and learning, and the display of cultural identity.

UNITWIN Network Culture Tourism Development

The module is accredited by the UNESCO-UNITWIN network “Culture Tourism Sustainable Development” chaired by the Institute of Advanced Research and Studies on Tourism (IREST), University of Paris I Pantheon-Sorbonne, France. In addition to 10 European Transfer Credits (ECTS), successful candidates will receive a UNESCO-UNITWIN certificate.

Who Can Apply?

a.   Anyone with an undergraduate degree from a recognized higher education institution of a country having ratified the Bologna declaration.

b.   Holders of foreign higher education degrees that the scientific committee of FCSH recognizes as equivalent to a Bachelor degree.

c.   Candidates with educational, scientific or professional experiences that the scientific committee of FCSH recognizes as enabling them to successfully postgraduate studies.

Application Procedure


First Phase: 20 June – 22 July 2011

Publication of results: 5 August 2011

Publication of vacant spaces: 9 September 2011

Second Phase: 12 – 20 September 2011

Publication of results: 26 September 2011

How to Constitute an Application

a.   The filled in registration form (Requerimento para Inscrição em Unidades Curriculares). A copy can be requested at antrop@fcsh.unl.pt.

b.   One page letter outlining motivations, experiences and professional aspirations

c.    Curriculum vitae (no more than 5 pages)

d.   Copies of diplomas or of proof of equivalent experience/knowledge

Selection Criteria

a.   Classification/Grade of undergraduate diploma

b.   Academic and/or scientific curriculum

c.    Professional experience and/or knowledge

d.   Where applicable, outcomes of Interview

Registration Fees

250€ (including teaching, administration fees and insurance).

Teaching Period

26 September 2011 – 28 January 2012

Conference: The Magic of Other in Tourism and Travel: A Live Stream Skype Video conference (17 Sept 2011, 13:00-15:22)

Moving on from the successful event in Lisbon last year, the Tourism Contact Culture Research Network is about to organise an open access Live Stream Skype Video conference, on the theme of “The Magic of Other in Tourism and Travel”. Presenters from various places around the world will use skype video which will be put into a conference and live streamed.

You can follow the event online and participate in the discussions – without even having to leave your sofa! All you need is an internet connection and a computer.


Public Live Broadcast at 17 September 2011, 13h-15:22h (Central European Time) followed by online discussion.



In analogy to ritual practices observed by anthropologists in various parts of the world invoking and renewing the mythical groundings of social life in society, modern tourists seem to find a mythical alter ego in spaces and people morally and ontologically removed from everyday life. These ‘Others’ which variable appear in form of exotic people, distanced pasts, and sublime natures do a priori not exist per se, but are contextually and situationally configured through tourism and the societal realms from which tourism emanates. What are the stories, mythical worlds and powers evoked and brought alive by these Others? How do they inform, or translate into, tourist practice and the development of attractions? What moral orders do they imply? What social relations, and what forms of society does tourist practice induce at a wider scale?


The conference aims to explore the relations between Self and Other in the specific intersubjective field of tourism. Self and Other are considered here in a dynamic and processual way, as co-constitutive entities that delineate and reappropriate, colonize and bewitch each other; that posses, inhabit and ultimately maintain each other. Magic represents a central overarching concept. It is used in a phenomenological perspective, as a (culturally/historically informed) means for social actors to make sense of specific qualities or powers ascribed to social ‘Others’, able to effect reality. While the workshop engages with the anthropological literature on magic, it inverses its classical anthropological and common sense signification: magic is not within exotic or marginal people or places, but within modernity from which the concept originally emanated and through which it continues to shape ideas and forms others – precisely as “magical”.



The conference builds on outcomes of the international conference, Tourism and Seductions of Difference, held in Lisbon, Portugal in September 2010. Each speaker will give a short 10 minute presentation exploring a particular realm of Other that emerges in the field of tourism practice. The papers will focus on the central narratives defining such realms and the means by which these are mobilized in actual tourism practice (e.g. through architecture, itineraries, objects, food, staged performances, theatrical invocations, bodily immersion, the acquisition of souvenirs, talking, etc.).


The conference will take place within the virtual space of a Skype video conference live streamed at http://www.livestream.com/tococu. At a technical level, speakers will be added to a Skype Video Conference and present their papers online. Speakers need to add TOCOCU to their Skype contact list (by 13 Sept at the latest). They will need a webcam and headphones (to avoid sound problems). Questions and answers will be managed through the chat facility of the live streaming web page. Anyone who wishes to participate in the Questions and Answer session needs to create a chat name at the live stream webpage (takes 1 minute to do). The discussion will continue at the Open Anthropology page of the Tourism Contact Culture Research Network. The conference will be recorded and be made available for further views. It is open access.



The event is organized by the Tourism Contact Culture Research Network (TOCOCU). More information can be found at the TOCOCU website, www.tourismcontactculture.org.uk.


PROGRAMME (preliminary and subject to change, version 1.0/060911)


All times in the programme refer to Central European Summer Time (Paris, Berlin, Amsterdam, Madrid, Rome). Speakers and participants from outside this time zone (e.g. Portugal, UK, Russia, USA, Argentina, Brazil, China, Australia, Indonesia, etc.) please check the corresponding times in their time zone.


13:00-13:10 ‘’The Magic of Other in Tourism and Travel’’, David Picard, CRIA- New University of Lisbon, Portugal
13:12-13:22 ‘’The Magic of the (Dancing) Body (in Cuba)’’, Valerio Simoni, Lisbon University Institute, Portugal
13:24-13:34 ‘’The Magic of Flow (in Belize)’’, Ken Little, York University, Canada
13:36-13:46 ‘’The Magic of Place (Eastern Europe)’’, Mathilde Verschaeve and Hannah C. Wadle, Manchester University
13:48-13:58 ‘’The Magic of the Poor’’, Fabian Frenzel, University of the West of England, UK
14:00-14:10 ‘’The Magic of Nature’’, Simone Abram, Leeds Met, UK
14:12-14:22 Break to breath, check the bathroom, coffee machine etc.
14:24-14:34 ‘’The Magic of Wild Animals’’.  Gaetano Mangiameli, University of Bologna, Italy
14:36-14:46 ‘’The Magic of the ‘White Man’ (among the Mursi of Southern Ethiopia)’’, Tamas Regi, Sheffield University, UK
14:48-14:58 ‘’The Magic of the Guest (in Tunesian couchsurfing practice)’’, Sonia Buchberger, SOAS, UK
15:00-15:10 ‘’The Magic of Modernity (among Madagascar fishing populations)’’, David Picard, CRIA- New University of Lisbon, Portugal
15:12-15:22 ‘’The Magic of Poverty’’, Clare Sammel, Bucknell University, USA
15:22-open end Chat discussion between presenters and audience on the live stream webpage. Participants are free to start further discussions on the Open anthropology page of the TOCOCU network.


David Picard

Centre for Research in Anthropology (CRIA)
New University of Lisbon, Portugal

Conférence: Tourisme and Memory l/QUÉBEC – QUEBEC CITY

Conférence tourisme & Memory l/QUÉBEC – QUEBEC CITY

An English version of this message appears below.

Una versión en español del mensaje aparece a continuación.

Chers collègues,

Nous vous adressons ci-joint l’appel à communications du 2ième Colloque international que nous organisons à Québec (Canada) du 13 au 15 juin 2012. Ce colloque, intitulé : «Routes touristiques et itinéraires culturels, entre mémoire et développement», est organisée par l’Université Laval, l’Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, l’Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne et le Center for Tourism and Cultural Change (Leeds University).  Sous l’égide du réseau international UNESCO/UNITWIN « Culture – tourisme – développement », ce colloque sera l’occasion de développer une coopération entre des universitaires et des gestionnaires.

Les résumés sont attendus au plus tard le 5 janvier 2012.

Je vous invite à diffuser cette appel à communications parmi vos réseaux.

Nous souhaitons sincèrement vous rencontrer à Québec en 2012.

Sincères salutations,

Laurent Bourdeau, Ph.D.

Université Laval


Dear colleagues,

You will find the Call for papers of the 2nd International Conference that we organize in Quebec (Canada) from 13 to 15 June 2012. The conference, entitled “Tourist and Cultural Itineraries:

From Memory to Development”, is organized by Université Laval, the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, the Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and the Center for Tourism and Cultural Change (Leeds University).  Under the auspices of the UNESCO/UNITWIN NETWORK for Culture, Tourism and Development, this conference will be an opportunity for fostering cooperation between universities and managers.

Deadline for submitting proposed papers: January 5th, 2012.


I invite you to send this Call for papers among your networks.

We sincerely hope to meet you in Quebec City in 2012.


Best regards

Laurent Bourdeau, Ph.D.

Université Laval


Coloquio Internacional: Rutas turísticas e itinerarios culturales, entre la memoria y el desarrollo (13 al 15 de junio de 2012, Quebec, Canadá)

La conferencia está organizada por la Universidad Laval, la Universidad de Quebec en Trois-Rivières, la Universidad de Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne y el Centro de Turismo y Cambio Cultural  de la Universidad de Leeds, Reino Unido). Bajo los auspicios de la red internacional de la UNESCO / UNITWIN “Cultura – Turismo – Desarrollo”.

Presentación de propuestas de comunicación: 05 de enero 2012.

Los invito a difundir esta convocatoria entre sus redes.

Laurent Bourdeau, Ph.D. Professeur titulaireDépartement de géographiePavillon Abitibi-Price, local 3175Faculté de foresterie, de géographie et de géomatique2104 rue de la TerrasseQuébec (Québec)  G1V 0A6

Courrier électronique : laurent.bourdeau@ggr.ulaval.ca

Téléphone : 418-656-2131 poste 8811

Télécopieur : 418-656-3960


Colloque international à venir :

Routes touristiques et itinéraires culturels, entre mémoire et développement

13 au 15 juin 2012, Québec, Canada

Forthcoming international conferences:

Touristic Highways, Byways and Cultural Itineraries, From Memory to Development

June 13th to 15th, 2012, Québec, Canada

Coloquio Internacional

Rutas turísticas e itinerarios culturales entre la memoria y el desarrollo

13 al 15 de junio de 2012, Quebec, Canadá

Esperamos sinceramente que se reúnen en la ciudad de Quebec en 2012.


Laurent Bourdeau, Ph.D.

Université Laval

Call for papers Québec 2012


Conférence Internationale / International Conference
Réseau UNITWIN « Culture, Tourisme, Développement »
UNITWIN Network “Culture, Tourism, Development”
Contextes, pratiques, cadres d’évaluation
AT WORLD HERITAGE SITES: Contexts, Experiences and Frameworks of Assessment
Libreville et Parc National de la Lopé, GABON, 1er au 8 juin 2012
Libreville and La Lopé National Parc (WHS), GABON, June 1st to June 8th, 2012
Université Omar Bongo (Libreville, Gabon), Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris, France), Université de Barcelone (Espagne)
Maria Gravari-Barbas
Institut de Recherche et d’Etudes Supérieures du Tourisme (IREST)
Equipe Interdisciplinaire de REcherches Sur le Tourisme (EIREST)
Chaire UNESCO « Tourisme, Culture et Développement »
Coordinatrice du réseau UNITWIN-UNESCO
Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
6, Rue Jean Calvin 75005 PARIS – 2e étage
Tel : (33) 1 58 10 22 30 / 00 (33) 6 75 50 67 70
Fax : (33) 1 45 81 53 11