Michael Lange

Michael A Lange holds a doctoral degree in Folklore and masters’ degrees in cultural anthropology and Scandinavian studies, all from the University of Wisconsin. He is currently teaching at Champlain College in Burlington, Vermont, USA. His research interests are on the use of heritage in making meaning, especially in the construction and negotiation of cultural identities. Cultural identities are often contested and situational, and heritage is a powerful and complex player in the negotiations of those identities. Prof. Lange has published several articles on this topic, including “Peeling the Pop: Exploring a Tradition in Orkney”, in Voices: the Journal of New York Folklore and “Bleeding History: Attitudes toward Heritage and Tourism in Orkney” in Anatolia: the International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research. He has also published a book, Norwegian Scots: An Anthropological Interpretation of Viking-Scottish Identity in the Orkney Islands. He continues to study heritage and identity, branching out to Morocco and Vermont for his fieldwork. He can be contacted at the information below.

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