Xerardo Pereiro Perez

Born: 3-10-1968

Profissional Adress:
Prof. Dr. Xerardo Pereiro Pérez
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
UTAD – Pólo de Chaves
Avenida Nuno Alvares
Apartado 61 –5400-909 –CHAVES- PORTUGAL
Fax: 276-309309
Telefone: 276-309300
E-mail: mirantropos@hotmail.com      xperez@.utad.pt
Web: www.utad.pt/~xperez/

University studies and diplomas obtained:
       1986-1991: University degree in Geography and History in the University of Santiago de Compostela.
       1991-1993: Courses of research student in Social Anthropology in the Department of Philosophy and Social Anthropology at the University of Santiago de Compostela.
       November 1993-January 1994: Research student in the Department of Social Anthropology at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain).
       January 1995-May 1995: Research student in the Department of Sociology at the Università degli Studi di Milano (Milan-Italy).
       February 1996-April 1996: Researcher in the Department of Social Anthropology of The University of Edinburgh (Scotland-U.K.).
       January 1997-March 1997: Researcher in the Department of Anthropology of the ISCTE of Lisbon (Portugal).

1994: I Award Vicente Risco in Anthropology and Social Sciences.
1997: I Award “Irmandiños” in  Social Research.
2007: I Award about social research on Tourism of FITUR (Madrid).
2007: Award of National Geographic Society (8185-07).
Relevant research:
-Pereiro, X. (2009): Turismo cultural: Uma visão antropológica. Tenerife: Pasos (em www.pasosonline.org).
-Pereiro, X. e Vilar, M. (2008): “Ethnographic Museums and essentialist representations of Galician identity”, em International Journal of Iberian Studies, vol. 21,nº 2, pp. 87-108.
-Pereiro, X. e De León, C. (2007): Los impactos del turismo en Kuna Yala (Panamá). Turismo y cultura entre los Kuna de Panamá. Madrid: Editorial Ramón Areces (ISBN: 978-84-8004-809-5), 115 páginas.
-Richards, G.; Pereiro, X. (eds.) (2007): Cultural Tourism. Negociating Identities. Vila Real: Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (ISBN: 978-972-669-830-2), 325 páginas.
-Pereiro Pérez, X. e Prado Conde, S. (2005): “Turismo e oferta gastronómica na comarca de Ulloa (Galiza): Análise de uma experiência de desenvolvimento local”, em Pasos. Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio cultural vol. 3, n.º 1 (Janeiro de 2005), em www.pasosonline.org , pp. 109-123.

Current research:
I am researching about ethnic tourism in Kuna Yala (Panamá). Besides I research about tourism, heritagisation and borders (Portugal-Spain).

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