Sarah de Bogui

My name is Sarah de Bogui, I’m a french librarian specialised in heritage collections. I’m actually Project Manager for the libraries of the Université de Montréal (Canada) and was previously Head Librarian of the Rare Books and Special Collections of the same university. I’m actually Ph.D. student in information sciences at the École de bibliothéconomie et des sciences de l’information of the Université de Montréal.

My doctoral research interest is focused on the heritagization of the collections in libraries.
My intent is to observe rare books and special collections as a tribe. My purpose is to understand by which process and social construction can books become heritage : as a pratician, this question is for me and other colleagues a daily preoccupation.

I’m also interested in improving the visibility of heritage collections in quebecoise libraries and I’m also dedicating a part of my time to book and reading history. I’m conducting some projects in relation with these interests.

You’ll find on my website more details about my professional and academic past, my publications and lectures and my projects : .

You can contact me at : sarah/dot/de/dot/bogui/at/hotmail/dot/com

Sarah de Bogui
Chargée de Projets, Direction des Bibliothèques
Université de Montréal
Tél : 514-343-6111, poste 7727

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