Tag Archives: Journal

CFP for Boundaries, international architecture magazine: The Outer City, March 5 2012

Boundaries international architectural magazine on contemporary architecture introduces a call for papers on the following subject: The Outer City (see pdf attached). All submission of abstracts should be sent by email to redazione@boundaries.it (up to 15 Mb) before March 5, 2012. For further information and guidelines, see : http://www.boundaries.it

Editorial board
Boundaries, international architectural magazine


Voici en pièce jointe l’appel à contribution pour le quatrième numéro de la revue internationale d’architecture Boundaries, dont les textes sont publiés en anglais et en italien.

La date limite d’envoi des résumés est le 5 mars 2012. Pour plus d’information, visitez notre site : http://www.boundaries.it/

Comité de rédaction
Boundaries, revue internationale d’architecture

Call for paper n. 2, Boundaries

I wish to highlight a “call for paper” for article publication on the
third issue of the international architectural journal “Boundaries”.
Below the full text.
Best regards,
Luca Sampò

Boundaries introduces the second call for papers for the third issue
of the review (January – March 2012 ) on the following subject:
“Architectures of Peace”.

Boundaries is a quarterly international magazine on contemporary
architecture, with texts in English and Italian. The first issue, July
– September 2011, is centred on the Contemporary Architecture in
Africa and the second, October – December 2011, on the Architectures
for Emergencies.
The aim of the project in Boundaries is to offer a panoramic and
critical view of the architectures that today face, in many different
ways, the challenges of modernity, and of sustainability intended as a
balance between problems of cultural, environmental, economic and
social nature.

For more information, see : http://www.boundaries.it

The third issue of Boundaries International Architectural Magazine
will focus on the meaning of « Architectures of Peace ».
Peace as a process, rather than an aim or a condition, is something
difficult to define. Nevertheless, in this new era of local – and
global – wars and conflicts it is not just rhetoric to reaffirm the
importance of dialog values and peace.
Architecture has a deep effect on human beings. Consciousness, places
and memories are all deeply involved in the process of creation and re-
creation of the environment. Architecture not only provides a shelter
but contributes to the organization of the society and reflects our
perception of reality. There are many different ways in which the
dialogue between architecture and peace could take place: not only
through reconstructions, not only through memorials, not only through
reconciliation statements.
We encourage authors to explore any aspect of this topic, on which we
wish to open a wide interdisciplinary debate. All kinds of approaches
to this topic are welcomed, and papers can be case studies oriented,
or methodological and/or theoretical in focus.

The deadline for submission is November 18, 2011.
Contributors are invited to submit a title, an abstract (no more than
500 words and from one to three images), and a short biography stating
their affiliation and professional interests (maximum 100 words), in
English or Italian.
All submission of abstracts should be sent by email to
redazione@boundaries.it (up to 15 Mb) before November 18, 2011.
The papers will be selected by the editorial board and subjected to
evaluation with the blind peer review system. The authors will receive
an answer before November 24, 2011.
Articles should be sent to the editorial board, in the definitive form
and with illustrations (free from reproduction rights), before
December 8, 2011.
Articles length must be at least 2 and no more than 4 pages (between
4000-8000 characters), notes and bibliography included. Contributions
must be original and should not have been previously published, even
in part. All articles must be illustrated (at least eight images).

CFP: Museums & Social Issues

Dear Colleagues,

/Museums & Social Issues/, a peer-reviewed journal published by Left Coast Press, is pleased to share a sneak peek at several potential themes for future issues of the journal (below). We welcome your feedback and invite you to contact MSI’s editor, Kris Morrissey, if you are interested in submitting, reviewing or helping with any of these topics: Morriss8@uw.edu or journaleditor@me.com.

Future Topics:
Being Human: How does current research shape and inform what it
means to be human? How is “being human” studied and viewed today
in the fields of philosophy, cognition, computer science, biology
and others? How are we as individuals, museums and a society
connecting with and grappling with changing ideas of our human-ness?

Prisons & US: The United States has the highest proportion of
our population in prison. What does this reflect about our
society? How are prisons experienced by those within? How has the
concept and practice of prison shaped our music, literature,
identity? How have museums reflected life in prisons or served
populations within prisons?

Aging: How does aging affect the way we live in the 21st
century? What are the implications of aging on government,
relationships, and family structures? How is research changing our
assumptions about aging? What are the implications of an aging
population on museums and other cultural and educational

Homelessness: Who are the homeless and what is the path to
homelessness? What is the daily life and culture of the homeless?
What are the rights, hopes and future for those without homes? How
do museums connect with and tell the stories of these audiences?

Exhibit, Book or Program Reviews: The journal is always
interested in reviews of exhibit, books and museum projects that
address these or any other questions or issues of concern to society.

For information about submissions and deadlines contact: _journaleditor@me.com <mailto:journaleditor@me.com>_

Editor: Kris Morrissey (_Morriss8@uw.edu <mailto:Morriss8@uw.edu>_)

Managing Editor: Alex Curio

Stefania R. Van Dyke
Museum Studies&  Practice
Left Coast Press, Inc.

Journal orders: 925-935-3380 phone; 925-935-2916 fax
Book orders: 800-621-2736 / 773-702-7000 phone
Book orders: 800-621-8476 / 773-702-7212 fax

1630 N. Main Street, #400
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
We are now distributed by the Chicago Distribution Center of University of Chicago Press

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A new blog

Le but du blog de Terrain est de mettre les articles publiés dans /Terrain /et les livres de la collection “Ethnologie de la France” en lien avec l’actualité…
A regarder sans délai.

Publication : Culture and property – Ethnologia Europaea 39:2 is out now

Ethnologia Europaea. Journal of European Ethnology 39:2 is out now.

Link to print journal: http://www.mtp.hum.ku.dk/details.asp?eln=300278<http://www.mtp.hum.ku.dk/details.asp?eln=300278>

Link to e-journal: http://www.mtp.hum.ku.dk/details.asp?eln=300279<http://www.mtp.hum.ku.dk/details.asp?eln=300279>

About this issue
Culture and property have increasingly fused into one concept as the circulation of practices and objects that ethnologists have defined as cultural is brought within the purview of markets and state regulative systems.

Ethnological analyses of the cultural distinctiveness of regions and nations and the foregrounding of folklore as an index of local genius helped foster a patrimonial regime in the 20th and 21st centuries, that converts artifacts and expressions to cultural property and heritage.

While sometimes used synonymously, cultural property and cultural heritage have distinct connotations and are associated with separate legal regimes and different manners of staking claims to culture. At once legal and ethical, economic and emotional, scientific and sensory, the patrimonial regime is in rapid expansion both across and within global societies.

The articles in this issue of Ethnologia Europaea explore this regime from various vantage points with theoretical sophistication and richness of detail, analyzing invocations of cultural heritage and cultural property in localized settings and on international stages, combining ethnographic research and document analysis in case studies from around the European continent – Italy, Belgium, Spain, Norway, Denmark, Estonia – and beyond.

Table of contents
Regina Bendix and Valdimar Tr. Hafstein:
Culture and Property. An Introduction

Stein R. Mathisen:
Narrated Sámi Sieidis. Heritage and Ownership in Ambiguous Border Zones

Kristin Kuutma:
Who Owns Our Songs? Authority of Heritage and Resources for Restitution

Dorothy Noyes:
Hardscrabble Academies. Toward a Social Economy of Vernacular Invention

Martin Skrydstrup:
Theorizing Repatriation

Markus Tauschek:
Cultural Property as Strategy. The Carnival of Binche, the Creation of Cultural Heritage and Cultural Property

Chiara Bortolotto:
The Giant Cola Cola in Gravina. Intangible Cultural Heritage, Property, and Territory between Unesco Discourse and Local Heritage Practice

About the Journal
Ethnologia Europaea is an interdisciplinary journal with a focus on European cultures and societies. It carries material of great interests not only for European ethnologists and anthropologists but also sociologists, social historians and scholars involved in cultural studies. The journal was started in 1967 and since then it has acquired a central position in the international and interdisciplinary cooperation between scholars inside and outside Europe.

Ethnologia Europaea ranking:

ERIH (Europe): Level A (highest level)
Norwegian bibliometric system: Level 2 (highest level)
Danish bibliometric system: Level 2 (highest level)

Museum Tusculanum Press
University of Copenhagen
order@mtp.dk <blocked::mailto:order@mtp.dk>

Professor Orvar Löfgren
Department of Cultural Sciences
University of Lund
Biskopsgatan 7
SE-22362 Lund, Sweden
orvar.lofgren@kultur.lu.se <blocked::mailto:orvar.lofgren@kultur.lu.se>

Professor Regina Bendix
Institut für Kulturanthropologie/Europäische Ethnologie Friedländer Weg 2
D-37085 Göttingen, Germany
rbendix@gwdg.de <blocked::mailto:rbendix@gwdg.de>

Editorial assistent:
Magdalena Tellenbach Uttman, PhD
Järnvägsgatan 16
SE-240 30 Marieholm, Sweden
magdalena.tellenbach@uttman.com <blocked::mailto:magdalena.tellenbach@uttman.com>

Editorial Board:
Pertti Anttonen (Finland), Milena Benovska (Bulgaria), Reginald Byron (UK), Palle O. Christiansen (Denmark), Manuela Ivone Cunha (Portugal), Tine Damsholt (Denmark), Anne Eriksen (Norway), Jonas Frykman (Sweden), Ueli Gyr (Switzerland), Ewa Klekot (Poland), Ullrich Kockel (UK), Ruth-E. Mohrmann (Germany), Bjarne Rogan (Norway), Thomas Schippers (France), Martine Segalen (France), Birgitta Svensson (Sweden), Gisela Welz (Germany).

Ressources : e-rph (Spain)

La revista e-rph nace con la vocación de convertirse en un referente nacional de la Protección del Patrimonio Histórico Español, de ahí que sus objetivos y estructura respondan a las exigencias y filosofía de la propia tutela. En este sentido es la Protección en su conjunto (legislación, administración, restauración, difusión, etc.) y, como consecuencia, el Patrimonio Histórico en su totalidad y unidad en cuanto objeto de ésta, la que va a ser el ámbito de estudio y reflexión de esta revista, superando con ello el carácter fragmentario o parcial que presentan otras publicaciones periódicas existentes. Este carácter globalizador e integrador se extiende también al ámbito geográfico de estudio, todo el territorio español, aunque admitiendo cualquier otro análisis de carácter internacional, ya que entendemos que el Patrimonio Histórico se asienta y constituye en el reconocimiento de un interés general que no admite una apropiación excluyente y reductiva, más allá del respeto a las inevitables fronteras administrativo-competenciales. Puesto que la disciplina de la Protección se instituye en este interés social, la manifestación del mismo a través de las iniciativas ciudadanas tendrá también una presencia relevante en esta publicación, sumándonos de esta forma a la dinámica construcción social del Patrimonio.

De periodicidad semestral, la revista pretende dar cabida a estudios que afronten la Protección tanto desde una perspectiva actual como histórica, ya que entendemos el Patrimonio Histórico como un concepto evolutivo diacrónico donde, no obstante, las aportaciones de cada época se acumulan en la construcción histórica permanentemente abierta de un legado patrimonial cuya relevancia social exige su continuidad futura. No obstante, desde la revista estaremos muy atentos a los cambios, tendencias y novedades que vayan produciéndose en cualquier ámbito de la tutela.

La condición electrónica de la revista e-rph queremos que sea realmente una seña de identidad y una cualidad a desarrollar en su máximo potencial, tanto en lo relativo a las posibilidades de renovar los contenidos de una revista científica, incluyendo en los artículos todo tipo de vínculos que permitan las nuevas tecnologías, como en lo referido a la accesibilidad y visibilidad de la misma. Pretendemos así mismo conseguir el máximo impacto posible, con la intención de llegar al mayor número de personas y, así mismo, permitir a los colaboradores alcanzar el mayor reconocimiento científico posible a sus trabajos.

Source : No mondo dos Museus

Appel à publication pour Conserveries Mémorielles

Les réponses à l’appel sont attendues pour le 1er décembre 2009.

« Frontières, barrières, horizons : réinterroger l’histoire et les mémoires de la migration », Appel à contribution, Calenda, publié le lundi 05 octobre 2009, http://calenda.revues.org/nouvelle14575.htm